Page 65 - Ameft Journal 2021-III
P. 65

Mike Pipe, Head of Global Sales, Mettler-Toledo Safeline X-ray How Mettler-Toledo Product Inspec- tion Protects the Small Pack Trend Food manufacturers can always rely on product inspection technology to ensure that small pack products meet the same stringent standards for con- sumer safety, labelling accuracy and compliance with food regulations as PROCESSING & PACKAGING    (Source: Mettler-Toledo) other pack sizes. For example: • Precision weighing of smaller por- tion sizes is fulfilled by checkweigh- ing technology. • Contaminant detection is facilitat- ed by both metal detection and x- ray inspection. • Quality assurance checks, including packaging defects and brand integ- rity, is completed by x-ray inspec- tion. • Label content, defects and posi- tioning checks are carried out by vision inspection. Factory and production line efficiency could also become an important factor, as manufacturers are potentially faced with more frequent multiple change- overs between different product types and sizes. Investing in future proof prod- uct inspection technologies, that can ac- commodate such multiple changeovers at fast throughput speeds, will put for- ward-thinking manufacturers in a good position to capitalize on this emerging small pack market. In conclusion, small pack sizes repre- sent an excellent and growing market opportunity for food manufacturers. The consumer experience will be of The small pack trend also fits comfortably with a more health- conscious and calorie-counting public: people want ready-to- go products based on sensible portion sizes. Products such as small, flexible packs for chocolate confectionery, and single-serve portions of breakfast cereal meet the need. paramount importance in making pack downsizing a success, and with the correct utilization of product inspec- tion technologies, manufacturers can ensure that experience for consumers is both safe and enjoyable. (Author: Mike Pipe, Head of Global Sales, Mettler-Toledo Safeline X-ray) (Source: Mettler-Toledo)   Metal Detection and Checkweighing Cheese AMEFT 3 2021 65 

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