Page 99 - AMEFT Journal 2021-4
P. 99

  Muse Food Technology is producing equipment in the light of the following information
Green Line Pasteurization: To destroy pathogenic bacteria in certain foods and beverages with heat treat- ment is called pasteurization. Pasteurization is the application of heat to a food product in order to destroy pathogenic (disease-producing) microorganisms, to inactivate spoilage-causing enzymes, and to reduce or destroy spoilage microorganisms. The relatively mild heat treatment used in the pasteurization process causes minimal changes in the sensory and nutritional characteristics of foods compared to the severe heat treatments used in the sterilization process. However pasteurized products have less shelf life than sterilized products.
There are different types of pasteurization:
• HTST (High Temperature Short Time) • LTLT (Low Temperature Long Time)
• UHT (Ultra High Time)
But the most common is known as High-Temperature Short-Time (HTST) pasteurization, or flash pasteuriza-
tion. This method extends the shelf life of milk by keeping it fresh for two to three weeks.
HTST entails heating followed by quickly cooling the milk. The chilled, raw milk is heated by passing be- tween heated stainless-steel plates until the milk reaches 72°C. It stays at this temperature for at least 15
seconds to kill bacteria before it is quickly cooled back to its original temperature (4°C). From there, the milk is packaged and delivered to the local grocery store.
(Source: Muse Food Technology)
HTST pasteurization diagram. AMEFT 4 2021 99
72°C 15 seconds 63°C 30 minutes 138°C 2 seconds

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