Page 16 - Ameft Journal 2021/1
P. 16

Organic, the new 'natural and healthy' label
Consumers perceive the ‘organic’ label on products as natural and healthy. More than half of the surveyed consumers of the 2019 Innova Consu- mer Survey believed that organic pro- ducts are healthier than products that are not organic. This gave opportuni- ties for innovative producers to expand their offering in a changing market. The Italian probiotic maker, CSL Centro Spe- rimentale Del Latte is launching FLOR- GANICTM Probiotics, a Certified Orga- nic product range.
CSL Centro Sperimentale Del Lat- te has over 70 years of probiotic re- search, discovery and innovation experience, and FLORGANICTM Pro- biotics is its much researched product to meet the consumer’s changing needs. The development of the range support clients with developing new innovative products that give them a sales and gain marketing edge over competitors.
“We see a rising consumer aware- ness and demand on probiotics across
the globe and organic foods are re- ported to be the third-largest health claim globally. It is time to introduce our FLORGANICTM Probiotics which can now enable our client’s brands to expand their healthier options in vari- ous products such as infant formula, milk powder, nutritional supplements, yoghurt, chocolate etc.” – John Goebel, CEO of CSL Centro Sperimentale Del Latte Asia Pacific.
As Sacco System launches probio-, the new website dedicated to the world of probiotics. Here is an interview with Marco Caspa- ni, Head of the Health and Nutrition Business Unit, to learn more about this new tool.
How did the idea of creating probio- come about?
The idea was born from the need to make the world of Sacco System probiotics more accessible thanks to an interactive platform, optimized for mobile navigation, and containing
scientific information, but in a more engaging way.
In what sense is it more engaging?
We want to test our users with the Quiz section, we have included a Fun Facts section to discover curiosities about the world of Probiotics, we have created motion graphic videos to promote and explain in a simple way the production process, the finished product, and the different applications of our Probiotics. It’s definitely a new tool that aims to cre- ate involvement without losing the scien- tific nature of communication.
Why did you decide to create a specific portal only dedicated to probiotics?
We decided to create a specific por- tal dedicated to probiotics because we believe it may be important to highlight our proposal which is part of a market with high demand and in a context that provides for significant annual world growth (CAGR of world growth equal to 4% -source: IPA ). We believe that our
(Source: Image by Gábor Adonyi from Pixabay)
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