Page 33 - AMEFT Journal 2021-2
P. 33

  The cultivated rib-eye steak is a thicker cut than the company's first pro- duct – a thin-cut steak. It incorporates muscle and fat similar to its slaughte- red counterpart and boasts the same organoleptic attri- butes of a delicious tender, juicy rib-eye steak you’d buy from the butcher. “With the realization of this miles- tone, we have broken the barriers to introducing new levels of variety into the cultivated meat cuts we can now produce. As we look into the future of 3D bio- printing, the opportunities are endless,” says Technion Professor Shulamit Leven- berg, Aleph’s Co-Founder, Chief Scientific Advisor, and a major brainpower behind the company’s IP. Leven- berg is considered a global leader in tissue engineering and has amassed over two decades of research in the field at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in the United States, and at the Technion, in Is- rael. Levenberg is also the former Dean of the Biome- dical Engineering Faculty at the Technion.
Aleph Farms’ zealous plans to diversify its offe- ring align with its mission to create a global platform
for local production, levera- ging a highly scalable tech- nology to create culinary experiences that can be ad- apted for the different food cultures around the world.
Consistently ranked among the world’s top sci- ence and technology re- search universities, Tech- nion – Israel Institute of Technology is Israel’s first university and was founded in 1912. Its state-of-the- art research labs enable the acquisition of skills and practical experience in di- verse fields which are at the forefront of contemporary science.
Being a food company that is paving a new way forward as a leader of the global sustainable food eco- system, working passiona- tely to grow delicious beef steaks from non-genetically engineered cells, isolated from a cow, using a fraction of the resources required for raising an entire animal for meat, without antibiotics and without the use of Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), Aleph Farms has recently received top accolades for its contri- bution to the global sustai- nability movement from the World Economic Forum, UN- ESCO, Netexplo Forum, FAO and EIT Food.
    Md. AFMG-56MKIII Mixer Grinder
Md. 109PCM Mechanical Horizontal Slicer
*Md. 4436-D5E-3 Breaking Saw Roller Top Tables
Md. FBC-4800SS Frozen Block Chipper (tempered)
Md. AFMG-56-4 Mixer Grinder
     Md. 55 20" (510mm) Meat Saw
Md. AFMG-52-4 Mixer Grinder
  Md. 44SSFH (Fixed Head) 18" (455mm) Meat Saw
*Md. 4436-D11 Breaking Saw Moving Tables
Md. VTS-500 Vacuum Tumbler
*Ask your Biro representative for other Power Band Saw Designs and variations.
BIRO Manufacturing Company
Marblehead, OH 43440-2099 USA 419-798-4451 Fax 419-798-9106

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