Page 44 - Ameft Journal 2021-III
P. 44
Claus Prior Hansen’s Top three tips for controlling melting resistance 1) Use the correct emulsifier and stabilizer system - without emulsi- fiers you’ll have a product that melts very quickly. 2) If that’s not enough, review other ingredients, like fat and milk in- gredients. 3) Lookatyourprocessing–ifyou’redoingsomethingwrong,itdoesn’t matter how great your ingredients are. INGREDIENTS gram records the drop-off by weight and calculates the percentage loss. “It gives us a complete digitised curve based on up to eight trials run- ning concurrently,” Claus says. “It al- lows us to conduct a very detailed analysis of the ways different factors are affecting melting. And it’s really vi- sual, so it’s a great tool for showing to the customers.” PHO-free, palm-free, CO2-neutral However, strate- gies to control melt- ing resistance need to be based on more than science – con- sumers’ health needs, and their ethical con- cerns, increasingly have to be factored in. “A lot of ice creams used to contain PHOs (partially hydrogenated oils). In the past that wasn’t seen as a bad thing, because it was a good way of improving melting resistance. How- ever, they’re a source of trans fats, so right now there’s a lot of pressure to go PHO-free,” Claus says. The other big demand is for products that are palm oil free. “We’ve been working a lot on those areas,” Claus says. “It’s been a bit of a challenge to get the same functionality and mouth- feel as well as melt resistance, but now we can provide products that meet all those needs. For example, we’ve just launched a new range of emulsifier- stabilizer blends which contains tara gum that are both palm-free and PHO- vider that can make that claim”, Claus says. “When we highlight it to customers they see it as something new in the market that will help them stand out. Even in regions like the Middle East, where sustain- ability hasn’t always been a big fo- cus in the past, manufacturers are starting to see that it’s an area they should be looking into.” Growing concern about climate change has also meant that Palsgaard is being called on to improve the melting properties of plant-based frozen desserts. “The process is parallel to tradi- tional dairy ice cream in some ways” Claus says. “We can control a lot of the factors but it’s a little more complex because there are so many different raw materials – soy, almond, coconut, for example. The good thing is that our emulsifiers are based on vegetable oil and our stabilizers are plant-based, so they’re ideal for non- dairy products.” (Source: Palsgaard) Integrated blend of emulsifiers and stabilizers vs. dry mixes: Palsgaard offers ready-mixed emulsifiers and stabilizers as unique, integrated products. The suspension of stabilizers in the melted emulsifiers, followed by an advanced spray-crystallization process, transforms the product into a uniform, free-flowing powder- illustrated in the microscope photo on the left. The microscope photo on the right shows a dry mix for comparison. 44 AMEFT 3 2021 free. That’s the way the market is mov- ing, and by being able to offer them, we’re a little bit ahead of some of our competitors.” Another big selling point for Pals- gaard is that it produces all its products in CO2-neutral facilities. “We’re the only emulsifier pro-