Page 120 - AMEFT Journal 2021-4
P. 120

Technology & big data: Best allies of SanLucar
Representing Spain and the agricul- tural sector, SanLucar is one of the companies participating in the “Water Scarcity Program”, a European initia- tive that aims to address one of the biggest hurdles for southern Europe: Water shortage.
Within the framework of the pro- gram promoted by the European In- stitute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), SanLucar has launched a chal- lenge to 8 start-ups. The objective is to find solutions that contribute to the efficient use of water for crops in the region of Murcia, one of the Mediter- ranean areas most affected by the in- creasing impact of droughts.
“Faced with the effects of climate change, we must be as preventive as possible, equip ourselves with technol- ogy and develop a resilient attitude,” said Fernando Bañón, SanLucar Pro- duction Manager, during a live inter-
In the photo, an engineer checking the probes installed at SanLucar`s citrus farm in South Africa.
(Source: SanLucar)
  view with the organisers of the Euro- pean program.
Bañón said that the water crisis is one of the greatest present and future challenges, but that modern irrigation techniques can help to protect this valuable resource. Thus, he explained, “our great allies in the optimization of water resources are the intelligent
(Source: SanLucar)
Fernando Bañón
Production Manager, SanLucar
management of Big Data, as well as the application of the most advanced technology for crop control. In the era of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), we must promote investment in technol- ogy and R&D, to anticipate the effects caused by changes in climate behavior; or develop new varieties that are more resistant to drought conditions.
Efficient water management at SanLucar
During his speech, the Production Manager of SanLucar - the premi- um fruit and vegetable brand, went through the different methodologies applied in SanLucar to conserve water.
“From probes that allow us to mea- sure soil humidity in South Africa, achieving savings of up to 50% in water consumption; the collection of rainwa- ter for later use in our crops in Tunisia; or the use of cover crops, in SanLucar we are very committed to the rational use of water.”
That`s why the efficient manage- ment of water resources is one of the main environmental initiatives pro- moted by DREAMS, SanLucar’s corpo- rate responsibility program.
“For us, every drop counts. And that is why we are willing to lead any in- novation that contributes not only to alleviating water scarcity, but also to protecting the environment. Not to forget, nature is our greatest partner. Without it, there would be no produc- tion or crops”, he concludes.
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