Page 22 - AMEFT Journal 2021-4
P. 22

 Harvard studies link between walnut and life expectancy
Researchers from Harvard finds a connection between regular walnut consumption and greater longevity, as well as reduced risk of death from cardiovascular diseases.
Higher walnut consumption, both in terms of the amount and fre- quency, may be associated with a low- er risk of death and an increase in life expectancy among older adults in the U.S., compared to those who do not consume walnuts, says a study con- ducted by researchers from the Har- vard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
“What we’ve learned from this study is that even a few handfuls of walnuts per week may help promote longev- ity, especially among those whose diet quality isn’t great to begin with. It’s a practical tip that can be feasible for a number of people who are looking to improve their health, which is top of
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mind for many people,” said Yanping Li, Senior Research Scientist at the De- partment of Nutrition at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and lead investigator of this research.
This study, supported by the Califor- nia Walnut Commission and published in Nutrients, found five or more serv- ings of walnuts per week (one serving = one ounce) may provide the greatest benefit for mortality risk and life ex- pectancy. Eating five or more servings per week was associated with a 14% lower risk of death (from any cause), 25% lower risk of dying from cardio- vascular diseases, and a gain in about 1.3 years of life expectancy, compared
to those who didn’t consume walnuts. Consuming walnuts two to four times per week could have its benefits, too, with the study finding a 13% lower risk of death overall, 14% lower risk of dy- ing from cardiovascular diseases, and a gain in about one year of life, com- pared to non-walnut consumers.
Interestingly, even among people with a suboptimal diet, as measured by a validated index based on foods and nutrients predictive of chronic dis- ease risk, just a one-half serving per day increase in walnut consumption was associated with benefits, includ- ing 12% reduced risk of death and 26% lower risk of death from cardiovascular
(Source: California Walnut Commission)

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