Page 79 - Ameft Journal 2021/1
P. 79

 Climate matters: Unia Owocowa brings European apples to the UAE
Apple comes in thousands of cul- tivars and varieties. They differ in taste, shape, colour, size, flesh firm- ness and a number of other features. One factor that most influences their flavour is the climate in which they grow. In other words, the same variety grown in different climatic conditions will differ, for example, Royal Gala from Poland or France will have a different taste and appearance than the same variety grown in New Zealand or Chile.
The Association of Polish Fruit and Vegetable Distributors - "Unia Owoco- wa" aims to bring high quality Europe- an apples to the United Arab Emirates market though the campaign by pro- moting their power of taste, vitamins and colours. The aim is to encourage European apples, increase their com- petitiveness and consumption on the UAE market and the re-export markets from the UAE.
At "Unia Owocowa", we understand that most consumers choose sweet va- rieties, although sweet and sour apples are sometimes irreplaceable as an in- gredient of some meals. The Europe’s climatic influence on apples makes
(Source: Gulf Business Link)
 them differ not only in taste, but also in shape, colour, size, flesh firmness and a number of other features. Too high temperature causes the transport of water and minerals to be disturbed. The low temperature, in turn, makes the apple mature later and smaller. Warm days and cool nights are ideal conditions for the colour of apples, and thus improve their taste.
When it comes to climate, the most important factor is light and its inten- sity. It gives the tree its longevity and productivity, and the apple its flavour and appearance. A way to improve the insolation of fruits is to form the crown of trees in such a way as to ensure the penetration of light into their interior. This is especially important in condi- tions where the intensity of sunlight is lower. Summer pruning is performed
(Source: Gulf Business Link)
in the run-up to harvesting revealing the fruit, thus improving access to sun- light. It is also called "colour cut" (well- coloured apples are sweeter). This also applies to yellow and green apples.
Fruit growers are concerned about climate change and are keeping a clo- se eye on it. Water is essential for the growth and yielding of apple trees, as well as for the formation of a blush. Dry soil and dry air around the tree crown delay the dyeing process. For these reasons, an additional water supply is necessary during periods of drought. For apple production systems, these changes will include the effects of high- er temperatures on flowering, yield and fruit quality. According to the pre- sident of the Fruit Union Association, Arkadiusz Gaik, climate change is ine- vitable and fruit growers must work to- gether with other industries to prepare an action plan to ensure profitable pro- duction, while caring for the environ- ment. It is worth noting that the pro- blem is treated very seriously by the European Commission, which has pre- pared a number of measures to mini- mize climate change and its effects. To this end, a climate strategy to 2050 has been established and divided into pha- ses. For example, by 2030 a goal was set, incl. reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 40% compared to 1990, the acquisition of 27 percent energy from renewable sources, improving energy efficiency by 27% compared to the business-as-usual scenario.
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