Page 9 - Ameft Journal 2021-III
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   the sugar solution to sterilization (at a temperature below 95°C for 30 sec- onds) to eliminate all existing strains of mold, yeast and bacteria. Subsequently the solution is cooled down to the fermentation tempera- ture indicated on the yeast technical sheet, which also reports the pitch- ing rate: quantity, times and dosage of the yeast. The yeast is then inocu- lated, also under sterile conditions, to start fermentation in special bioreac- tors with specific characteristics (tank shape, height / diameter ratio, type of agitation, aeration and deflectors). The fermentation process can be controlled, alternatively, by measuring the pH, the Bx degree or the alcohol percentage. When the desired alcohol content is reached, cooling and final filtration are carried out. Therefore a solution consisting of only water and ethanol is obtained where the carbon dioxide content de- pends on the fermenter used, in par- ticular on the applied temperature and pressure. The final mix This semi-finished product is trans- ferred to the preparation tanks and integrated with the desired aromas, FOCUS BEVERAGES (Source: A Due S.p.A.)  EASY.Carbomix by A DUE: Final Carbonation Plant sweeteners and any pH regulators. Then the carbonation with A DUE - EASY.Carbomixcarbo-blender follows, which involves the dilution (if alcohol con- tent correction is necessary) and incorpo- ration of the carbon dioxide. Thanks to the in-depth knowledge of the process and the support of its team of technologists, A DUE can provide both the whole system includ- ing the initial fermenters and pasteurizers or even only the hydroalcoholic mixture re- ceiving section, the minor ingredient dos- age (aromas, sweeteners, etc.) and the final carbonation. (Source: A Due S.p.A.)  Hard Seltzer: A wave of pure refreshment AMEFT 3 2021 9 

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