Page 12 - Ameft Journal 2021-III
P. 12

FOCUS BEVERAGES Nestlé tops the F&B ranking on healthy and affordable food   ATNI - Access to Nutrition Initiative has launched its 2021 Global In- dex on 1st July 2021. As part of its fourth comprehensive assessment, the index ranked 25 food and beverage manu- facturers worldwide including the top five companies namely Nestle, Unilever, Friesland Campina, Danone and Arla. In a media release from ATNI, the FCDO Minister for the European Neighborhood and the Americas, Wendy Morton said, “We welcome the launch of this year’s Index, particularly as COVID-19 has worsened levels of malnutrition and the availability of food globally. We have a unique opportunity to address this in ways that benefits everyone. We must hold the world’s biggest food and beverage companies to account to help speed up our global recovery from the pandemic. The food industry has a huge role to play in making nutritious foods more accessible and affordable, in particular for developing countries.” The Access To Nutrition Initiative (ATNI) Global Index assesses the 25 largest food and beverage manufac- turers in the world on their nutri- tion-related policies, practices and performance. Nestlé‘s top position is recognition of its long-standing com- mitment to nutrition and health as well 12 AMEFT 3 2021 Nestlé‘s top position is recognition of its  longstanding commitment to nutrition and health as well as its engagement to help tackle the global challenges of obesity and undernutrition.  Nestlé also topped the last ATNI Global Index in 2018. as its engagement to help tackle the global challenges of obesity and un- der nutrition. Nestlé also topped the last ATNI Global Index in 2018. The company has substantially improved its score on the nutritional quality of its portfolio, driven in part by higher con- sumer demand for healthier products. (Source: Pixabay) ATNI also recognized Nestlé‘s strong governance and nutrition strategy; some highlights include: ● Nestlé‘s commitment to make nu- tritious food available to people at all income levels. That includes for- tification with vitamins and miner- als to address nutritional deficien- cies. ● A well-structured strategy on obe- sity and diet-related chronic dis- eases aligned with international guidelines, such as the WHO rec- ommendations on sodium and sug- ar intake. ● A strong policy on responsible mar- keting to children.  ● Support for government efforts to combat all forms of malnutrition.  ● Transparent reporting against the UN Sustainable Development Goals.  Rob Cameron, Global Head of Public Affairs at Nestlé, says: “People around the world are struggling to access nu- tritious and affordable food. Our goal is to offer food and beverages that are good for people and the planet. We are proud of the recognition by ATNI and take this as encouragement to continue our work to improve nutri- tion and health. Businesses have a crucial role to play in tackling global nutrition challenges.“ 

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